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My AECT 2020 Work

Workshop - Simple Collection and Powerful Analysis of Twitter Data Using R

Friday, October 30, 2020

The workshop website is accessible at From here, you can link to all workshop materials, including slides, RStudio Cloud workspace, and data.

Panel - Factors Influencing Doctoral Students’ Perseverance in Online Instructional Technology Programs

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The online doctoral student is a new phenomenon. This session brings together doctoral students to discuss their experiences persevering in fully online instructional technology programs at their own universities. The student panelists will reflect on their experiences, challenges, and recommendations that promote success as non-traditional doctoral students.

  1. What motivated your selection of an online doctoral program?
  2. How has your program supported your growth as a graduate student or academic professional?
  3. What challenges have you experienced while being an online doctoral student?
  4. What strategies have you used to persevere through the challenges? What has worked and not worked?
  5. What recommendations do you have for other graduate students?

Presentation - Into the Edu-verse: New Teachers’ Challenges, Supports, and Social Media

Friday, November 6, 2020

Teachers face numerous challenges during their transition from preparation programs into professional employment. Today, with social media in the mix, new teachers may have to navigate conflicting messages about what and how to teach from many worlds—an “edu-verse.” However, social media research has rarely focused on the particular challenges experienced by new teachers. Because this area is under-researched, I interviewed nine new teachers to ask them about their induction experiences and social media use.

View the slides at, or scroll through below:

Saturday, November 7, 2020

This study explores continuity and change in the cultures of two teaching-related subreddits. We collected 696,660 contributions to r/Teachers and 339,618 contributions to r/education between January 1, 2016 and June 30, 2019. The affinity space concept framed our analysis in terms of individual contributions, content interactions, social interactions, topics, and forms of discourse. We discuss our findings in light of the extant literature as well as potential implications for practice and future research.

View the slides at, or scroll through below: