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Teaching Notes From EDF5442: Inquiry and Measurement for Practitioners (Spring 2024)

This page compiles all of my slide decks as I teach EDF5442: Inquiry and Measurement for Practitioners at Florida State University. Enjoy!

Course Description

This is a foundational course that addresses inquiry and measurement concepts at a level appropriate for Master’s students. Through this course you will learn concepts and acquire skills that will help you make data-based decisions related to learning and human performance.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Select and apply appropriate measurement methods and tools
  • Locate, evaluate, and select research literature that supports inquiry related projects
  • Design and implement appropriate measurement instruments for a specific purpose and audience
  • Design and conduct a small-scale usability test
  • Analyze, interpret data and report findings

Module 1: Introduction to Inquiry

View the slides at, or scroll through below:

Module 2: Reviewing the Literature

View the slides at, or scroll through below:

Module 3: Planning for Inquiry

Module 4: Measurement: Surveys & Tests

Module 5: Measurement: Interviews

Module 6: Analysis: Quantitative

Module 7: Analysis: Qualitative & Usability

Module 8: Ethics and Reporting